In Relation To the Community
We aim to reflect each family’s culture within our programme, in a respectful and positive way and to find ways to celebrate these cultures. We also aim to include aspects of Aboriginal culture and practice in our programme, in a respectful and non tokenistic way. We will also do this by consulting with our own aboriginal families and local community.
We believe that as young children learn to live in communities where everyone is respected and valued, they are learning skills for living, based on principles of equity and social justice. We strive to provide experiences that promote an appreciation of the diversity within our society.
In Relation To Educators
We aim to facilitate, extend, scaffold and encourage the myriad of skills, dispositions, attitudes and concepts developed through play.
We ensure that our older children are challenged and their learning is extended appropriately
- We ensure that we respect, value and appreciate each educator
Philosophy & Aim
In Relation To Children
We strive to provide the highest quality care and education for our children.
We see each child as competent and able with a unique range of abilities, knowledge, values, dispositions and experiences, and most importantly, connected to adults and other children.
We believe that the provision of a service should be based on the child and should focus on the individual needs, abilities, interests and learning styles of each child in our care.
In Relation To Families
We aim to develop respectful; trusting relationships with children and their families is the core of our practice.
We strive to work closely with families, fostering their sense of belonging, to see themselves as significant partners in all aspects of our service.
We know that the development of respectful, supportive relationships with parents and families achieve the best outcomes for children
Belonging, Being & Becoming
‘Belonging’ is about knowing who you are and where you ‘belong’. Having a secure sense of belonging is the basis for living a fulfilling life. Children feel that they ‘belong’ because of the relationships they have with their family, community, culture and place.
‘Being’ is about enjoying the present and being accepted for who you are and supported to meet challenges. Children need time to just ‘be’ - time to play, try new things and have fun.
‘Becoming’ is about how children change and grow and learn to participate fully and actively in society. Children start to form their identity from an early age, which shapes the type of adult the will become.